Today, June 11th, 2007, will be the first time that an Algerian blogger is being taken to court for articles posted on his personnel blog. Abdulsalam Baroudi is being sued by Tlemcen’s Director of Religious Affairs, who has accused him of posting defamatory material on his personal blog on February 20, under the title “Al Sistani Appears in Tlemcen“
Tlemcen’s Journalism club is backing Abdulsalam Baroudi and calling for journalists and reporters to rally for his case and struggle for the protection of Algerian journalists and bloggers.
Algérie plainte contre un blogueur (!)…
Un fonctionnaire algérien a porté plainte aujourd’hui [mercredi 28 mars] pour diffamation contre le blogueur Abdulsalam Baroudi [Arabe], pour un billet mis en ligne sur son blog. C’est la première fois qu’un blogueur est attaqué en justice po…
Hi, I applaud your blog for informing people, its just sometimes people seem to get themselves tied up in unnecessary knots over something that’s very simple.I appreciate the concern which is been rose.
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