Bahrain blocks Haq political movement website

A Press Release issued on October 12th by the HAQ: Movement of Liberties and Democracy- Bahrain, which Global Voices Advocacy received a copy of it, reveals that Bahrain has blocked access to its electronic website:

This is not the first nor the last electronic site the Bahraini Authorities prevent access to local residents. At one instance early this year, the number of barred sites exceeded 26 (local and international) as a result of reporting of the violations in Bahrain, mainly the issue of what was locally dubbed as “Bandergate report”. This report shows a compilation of secret documents leaked from the Royal Court and elucidating a detailed action plan to sow sectarian sedition among citizens, create fake NGO's controlled by the Authorities, penetration as well as controlling civic organizations. The blockade order is executed by the main internet government owned company BATELCO, and is carried out administratively and without any judicial procedure.

According to Bahraini blogger Mahmoud Al-YousifIf the policy of blocking Internet access to web sites in Bahrain falls on the shoulders of the Ministry of Information” this might be one of the first orders of the new-appointed minister, Jihad Bu Kamal.


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