China: E-group cleaning at, one of the most popular Web 2.0 website in China, is forced to close some of its e-groups due to the recent anti-Smuts campaign. However, many of the deleted e-groups are social and political in nature rather than vulgar and indecent.

Peter Guo from Amoiist wrote in his blog that he has received 30 notices from Douban within 3 days concerning deletion of e-groups. Apart from deleting groups, the company is also cleaning user accounts. In Feb 8, Peter found out that his user account was deleted.

A Douban delete blog has been set up to collect deletion notices. To give our readers a sense of the so-called anti-Smuts policy in douban, here is a list of some of the groups deleted (most have nothing to do with vulgar content):

1. small chicken: 雞雞很小
2. Douban Mortuary: 豆瓣停屍間
3. Internet song pollution: 網絡歌曲污染小組
4. Online activities: 線上活動
5. Douban exiles and refugee camp: 豆瓣流亡與避難小組
6. He Weifang: 賀衞方小組
7. Human right reading group: 人權閱讀小組
8. Liberalism group: 自由主義小組
9. Let us be silent with deep condolence: 讓我們深情款款的互相沉默吧
10. Muslim group: 回民小組
11. Secret 2: Secret 2 小組
12. If the nation is a psychological identification: 如果國家是一種心理認同小組
13. Outdated thought: 不合時宜的思想小組
14. Vulgar and harmonic content: 內容低俗和諧組
15. Concern group on Chosun official website: 關注朝鮮官網
16. Violence of city management team: 城管暴行小組
17. Shedding tears in front of Mosaic: 站在碼賽克前面泪流滿面小組
18. Black Standing: 黑立小組
19. BS Global Times: BS 環球時報小組
20. Blogger's thought in a distance: 博客思想的距x界
21. Asia Week: 亞洲周刊小組
22. Bullog group: 牛博群
23. Ran Yunfei: 冉云飞小組
24. Activity photos – anti smuts, putting on clothes for great painting: 活動照片﹣反低俗!給名畫穿衣服
25. Freedom land: 自由之地
26. Against narrow nationalism: 反對狹隘民族主義小組
27. You should be a mature adult: 你應該是一個成熟的成年人了吧
28. April 29: 4月29日小組
29. Mourning for Zhang Zhixin: 掉念張志新
30. Against XX word: 反xx字小組
31. Harmonious society 4.0: 和諧社會4.0小組
32. Study group on the control of internet information: 學習研討互聯網信息服務管理辦法小組
33. Black humor: 黑色幽默
34. Northern weekend 2.0: 北方周末2.0
35. Northern weekend: 北方周末
36. Douban group: 豆瓣小組
37. Supporting group for Southern Weekend: 南方周末輔組
38. Southern Weekend: 南方周末
39. Douban NZ group: 豆瓣NZ
40. Harmonious society 6.0: 和諧社會6.0
41. Harmonious society 5.0: 和諧社會5.0
42. Douban can ruin flowers but can't stop spring from coming: 豆瓣可以摧毁花朵,但不能阻擋春天小組

According to Wikipedia, in 2008, has about 1.2 million registered uses and ranks the 74th most popular website in China. The website established in March 26, 2005, provides social network service and onlin database for movies, books and music.


  • […] China: E-group cleaning at Oiwan Lam Global Voices Advocacy: February 9, […]

  • […] However, many groups have been deleted in the anti-Smut campaign and it is obvious that they are neither “indecent” nor “vulgar” (via my global advocacy post). […]

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    one euro==64 indian rupees


    Picture 076.jpg

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