10 tactics for turning information into action is a documentary film, about rights advocacy, with a distinctive hands-on approach. The film features interviews with 25 rights advocates in 24 countries who have successfully used digital technologies to initiate positive change.
It includes the story of Noha Atef whose blog, TortureinEgypt.net, has led to the release of illegally detained prisoners in Egypt. Sami Ben Gharbia, from Global Voices, explains how activists upset the government in Tunisia when they used Google Earth and Google Maps to highlight stories of rights abuses. Dina Mehta, from India, explains what it was like to be part of an online group that worked via Twitter to get blood donors and other essential support to hospitals during the Mumbai Terror attacks.
The film is divided into ten chapters and each one explores a different info-activism tactic such as, how to: mobilise people, present complex data, amplify personal stories, visualise a message, and use humour to communicate a message. Every chapter of the film is complemented by a fold-out card which gives a comprehensive view of the particular tactic. The cards feature short examples from the film, detailed case studies, as well as tools and tips from people who have used these tactics in different contexts.
Tanya Notley, who managed the project, says “The video and cards provide the sort of in-depth background information you usually don't have access to. People have told us how much their info-activism action cost, what tools they used, what skills they needed, what the local context was and they have revealed exactly what happened. All of this information can be used by other people to develop their own ideas and actions.”
This project emerged from Tactical Tech's info-activism camp in India earlier this year. More than 100 rights advocates, technologists and designers from around the world, all with stories to tell, gathered at this event. Stephanie Hankey, co-founder of Tactical Tech, says that they knew these individuals’ experiences of info-activism had potential to inspire and educate others. She says, “We decided to document and explore people's stories throughout the camp. When we had finished we knew that what we had collected was pretty remarkable. Many of the stories highlighted ground-breaking use of the internet and digital technologies. They show what is possible for rights advocates to achieve now even with very few resources.”
10 tactics for turning information into action will be launched around the world in December. Screenings will take place throughout the month in 30 different cities. Global Voices will be screening 10 tactics on December 12th, 2009, during the Arab Bloggers meeting in Beirut and guests will be given a free copy of the 10 tactics package including the DVD and the cards.
For more information about this project, visit the 10 tactics website.
1 comment
I can’t wait to see the film!