Tal, who is 19 years old secondary school student, was arrested on the 27th of December 2009 by the Syrian state security agents, they had her computer confiscated. Till now she is detained with no charges and no trial, whereabouts unknown, that her mother has appealed the Syrian president for her release.
A video was made by Syrian activists calling for her freedom:
Another Youtube video wishing her a Happy Eid wherever she is.
Several Egyptian activists and bloggers have agreed to organize a protest in front of the Syrian Embassy in Egypt.
Activists around the Arabic blogosphere are calling for support by signing this petition, sending emails to the to the Syrian Ambassador in Washington Imad Moustapha, and also a campaign blog entitled Free Tal is now active calling for her freedom along with a Facebook group.
Links for 2010-09-15 [del.icio.us]…
Global Voices Advocacy » Syria: Tal al-Molouhi, a 19-year-old female blogger in jail for almost…