China: Activist sentenced to 1 year labour re-education for political satire

According to Chinese Human Rights Defenders’ tweet human rights activist Wang Yi, real name Cheng Jianping 程建萍, was sentenced to one year labour re-education for forwarding a political satire post about the anti-Japanese Protest in Twitter.

Before the labour re-education determination came out, Wang Yi was detained in a hostel at XinXiang City, Henan Province. She was escorted to the police station on 15 of November by 6-7 police and forced to sign up the one year labour re-education determination issued by the XinXiang city Labour Re-education Committee. The determination stated that she had “disturbed the public order”. Wang Yi refused to sign the paper.

On 17 of October, Wang Yi retweeted a post by Hua Chunhui who satirically challenged the anti-Japanese angry youths in China by inviting them to destroy the Japan pavilion in Shanghai Expo. She added a comment, “Angry youth, come forward and break the pavilion!” in her retweet.

The police interpreted her satire as a public order disturbance and asked the Labour Re-education committee to sentence her to one year labour camp, from November 15 2010 to November 9 2011 in Zhenzhou Shibali river labour re-education camp.

According to Xiaoyong tweets, Wang Yi has became an online activist since 2006 and has helped a number of human rights activists to raise fund and participated in a number of flash mob actions.


  • A Chinese

    LOL, she deserves that. Maybe she thought she can break law without any consequence, but she was wrong. Stupid woman.

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  • A Chinese

    Oh, I have nothing against woman. She just happen to be a female, but a stupid one I have to say. As to human right it is now become a tool used by some countries to against China, just because China is not their allay, why they never have problem killing Chinese since 1840, and now they are talking about human right. This divide and conquer strategy has been used by our ancestors thousand years ago so there is nothing new here. Tibet, Xinjing, human right. They just want to break China into pieces like they did to CCCP, so they can do what they did to the Russian:smiled and pitied those poor Chinese suffered from the shock therapy introduced by some western economists. Oh, that’s not enough, because Russia is still too big and powerful, so NATO still exists and push toward even further towards Russian border, and Russian government still violate human right in Chechnya, but as to how Spain treats Basque separatists, how France treats Roma and Muslim woman are never big issues. The list can go on an on. I don’t want give you all the examples, I just want to you to know we view the world from a different angle.I’ve read Bertrand Russell,Chomsky and those romantic thinking, but after all the world is what it is, we must face the reality. China has to be strong and provide prosperity to most Chinese. The west just don’t want to have a strong China, and that’s understandable for geopolitical reasons, but we will be stronger and the west has to live with that.They have to learn to share. Don’t worry, Chinese are not interest in wars, we just want our piece of pie.
    Anyway,turn back to that woman, she thought doing that is cute and smart or just to irritate a group of people like me, but now she knows better and I am happy for her. She will learn to behave herself in the coming year.To incite violence against an individual, group or a country is a crime in most countries and that’s what she was charged for, no matter what her original attention is. She is might thought using sarcastic to show how smart she is, but sorry, this time she fall into her own trap, the government must have waited a long time for this, and I guess even they cannot believe their luck:It is just too easy. LOL

  • Oh, time passed by so fast, nobody pays any attention to the criminal? 那个SB还能不能继续在劳改营里笑话别人了?你再笑啊?

  • […] Global Voice | China: Activist sentenced to 1 year labour re-education for political satire […]

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