An anonymous Twitter user has disclosed Wen Yunchao, his wife and son's personal information online. Wen is an outspoken blogger and free speech activist on the Chinese Internet and has been a subject of attack for the past few years. His gmail account has been hacked several times and personality assassination photos spread through the internet.
This time, his wife and son has become target of the organized attack. Today Wen Yunchao posted a screen capture on his Twitter account. The screen capture showed that an anonymous Twitter user has used the peer to peer @ function to distribute personal information, including identity cards numbers of Wen's family:
The messages, in translation said:
@chenachao I am Wen Yunchao, commissioned by the U.S. FBA to establish an online combat team, each of the member would received US5000 per month. If you don't believe in me, you can held my wife and son in hostage. I will strictly under your monitor. My sell phone is: XXXXXXX identity card number is: XXXXXXXXXXX
@wgwhappy passport number: XXXXXXXXX Hong Kong and Macau Visa: XXXXXXXXX. Wife: XXX. Wife's identity card number: XXXXXXXXXX Son: XXX Son's identity card number: XXXXXXXXXXXX.
All the numbers are valid and only the mainland Chinese police department could get access to such details information. Meanwhile Wen Yunchao is based in Hong Kong with a working visa.