Hong Kong: Citizen Media Office Attacked

Yesterday (August 8 2012), 4 masked men rushed into a citizen media advocacy group's office and smashed its computer equipment. [Disclosure: the writer of this article is a member of the organization.]

The organization is Hong Kong In-Media, a non-profit organization aiming at promoting the development of independent and citizen media in Hong Kong. Since 2005, the organization has supported various local citizen media projects including the independent news website: inmediahk.net, which is run by a group of voluntary editors, reporters and writers. The articles in the websites are highly critical of the government and those in power.

The attack happened around 1:20pm in the afternoon in front of two females staff, one of them is an intern student. Both are terrified. The local police are treating the case as criminal damage.

According to one of the staff members, she received a call at around 11am, a man wanted to visit the office to offer donation. At around 1:20pm, the office bell rang and a man wearing a flu mask was standing outside the office. She thought the man was sick and opened the door, then three other men jumped out from the building's stair case and rushed into the office, all were wearing masks and gloves, with iron hammers in their hands. She described the thugs “professional” as they smashed all the computers in less than three minutes and left the scene very quickly. They destroyed a total of three computers and a LED TV in the office.

The organization issued a statement [zh] condemning the violence against media organization:


Our organization believes that the violent breaks in is a carefully planned action against local citizen media. The four masked men destroyed our computer in a matter of two to three minutes. Their objective is to instigate fear among the community of independent and citizen media.
We condemn such evil and dark force and are worried that the people behind this would extend their reach further to other media organization in Hong Kong, destroying the freedom of press and speech in Hong Kong. We urge citizen to stand out and support independent media by donating money, resources and actively participate in citizen journalist practice which are independent from the control of government and big corporates.

A macbook smashed in Hong Kong In-Media Office by masked thugs.


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  • […] • Politics• Society• Economy• Law• Culture• World• More• Hong Kong• Sci-Tech• Taiwan• Environment• Human Rights• Information Revolution• The Great Divide• CDT Bookshelf• Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon Hong Kong Media Office AttackedThe office of In-Media [zh], a Hong Kong citizen journalism website, was attacked by masked men earlier this week. The Wall Street Journal’s China Realtime Report provides the details:Witnesses said that in the early afternoon on Wednesday, four Chinese men wearing surgical masks and gloves rushed into the ninth-floor office of In-media, an independent online publication known for its outspoken, critical attitude toward the governments of both Hong Kong and mainland China. Two women in the office at the time told police the men used hammers to smash a number of computers, scattering parts across the floor.[…]Started by activists, In-media began publishing online in 2004 as an outgrowth of the massive antigovernment rallies the year prior that effectively ousted Tung Chee-hwa, the city’s leader at the time. The online-only publication is small, with just three full-time staffers, and stays afloat with the help of 10 interns.[…]Readers and fans of the publication were likewise outraged by the attack. “Hong Kong is getting more and more like the mainland,” one said on In-media’s Facebook page.Still, Mr. Chu said there was perhaps a backhanded compliment in the assault. “The incident may indicate that the quality of our website is not too bad,” he said on Thursday. “What we do actually touches on the people in power.” In a post for Global Voices, frequent contributor and In-Media staff-member Oiwan Lam translates a statement issued by the Hong Kong based organization:本社團相信,這次強行入屋破壞的行為,是有計劃及針對公民媒體的行為。該四名戴口罩及手套的歹徒,在短短幾分鐘內,針對破壞辦公室內的電腦,明顯是要以暴力行為,恐嚇香港的獨立及公民媒體。 我們譴責這種惡勢力,同時,亦憂慮更多黑手伸向香港的媒體,扼殺港人的言論自由。我們呼籲市民站出來,投入更多人力及物力,支持所有獨立於政府與財團的公民媒體!Our organization believes that the violent breaks in is a carefully planned action against local citizen media. The four masked men destroyed our computer in a matter of two to three minutes. Their objective is to instigate fear among the community of independent and citizen media. We condemn such evil and dark force and are worried that the people behind this would extend their reach further to other media organization in Hong Kong, destroying the freedom of press and speech in Hong Kong. We urge citizen to stand out and support independent media by donating money, resources and actively participate in citizen journalist practice which are independent from the control of government and big corporates. August 10, 2012 8:57 AMPosted By: josh rudolphCategories: Hong Kong, PoliticsTags: citizen journalism, media violence, vandalism READ ALL COMMENTS (0) ADD A COMMENT Related Stories2012.04.18 Documentary: High Tech, Low Life2012.04.12 Award Ceremony Honors China’s Green Journalists2008.10.18 Beijing’s Black Secrets2008.07.20 Citizen Journalists Challenge Beijing2008.05.21 A New Voice For China’s News2008.05.15 The Great Sichuan Earthquake2007.11.13 China’s “Citizen” Reporters Dodge Censors And Critics – Reuters2007.06.24 ‘Citizen Journalism’ Battles the Chinese Censors – AFP2007.05.18 Citizen Blogger Treading New Ground? – John Kennedy2007.05.01 China’s Muckrakers for Hire Deliver Exposes With Impact – Edward Cody2007.04.30 ‘Nail House’ Blogger is Homeowners’ Hope – Zhuang Pinghui2006.09.25 Even in tightly controlled China, anyone can be a reporter – Dante Chinni2006.09.13 Video save taskforce needed – John Kennedy2005.05.21 Journo’s fingers chopped off2004.10.07 In Shenzhen, workers protest at low wages, long hoursCDT Highlights Sensitive Words: The Gu Kailai Trial Word of the Week: The New Five Black Categories Sensitive Words: Intranets, Prostitution and More Directives from the Ministry of Truth: Liu Xiang Netizen Voices: Abolish Labor Re-education Netizen Voices: Olympic Insanity Directives from the Ministry of Truth: Shifang Fallout Directives from the Ministry of Truth: Olympics and More More »CDT Features Political Drama in Chongqing Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon CDT Translations Hexie Farm (蟹农场) Series China Video Popular PostsHow China Saw the Olympic Opening CeremonyDoping Accusations Dog Chinese Swim ChampionDirectives from the Ministry of Truth: Beijing FloodsChina SlideshowFrom the ArchivesFarmers Selling Blood to Make Ends MeetXu Changsheng: Why I Didn't Cooperate with the Discipline and Inspection Committee6,200 Chinese Babies Ill, 3 Die; 12 People Arrested in Milk Scandal (Update 3)China Warned on Gender Imbalance – BBCWang Lixiong: The 23 Behaviors of Illegal Religious ActivityChina on the WebAsia Pacific Memo : ChinaCaixin onlineThe China BeatChina DialogueChina GeeksChina Media ProjectDanweiThe Economist : ChinaFT.com : beyondbrics : ChinaGlobal TimesThe Guardian : ChinaMinistry of TofuNew Yorker : Letter from ChinaThe New York Times : ChinaShanghaiistSinocism Daily China ReadingsSouth China Morning PostWall Street Journal : China Real TimeXinhua News#China on TwitterGreat Fire.orgAbout UsContact UsSubscribe to Us […]

  • Freedom Fighter

    My prayers go out to you and all of your staff. I pray that you will one day get the freedom you so deserve and what should be a right to all Chinese citizens. And don’t these evil this dissuade you from you righteous goals and just intentions. The world would be a better place if there were more people like yourself and your workers, who are always fighting oppression and fighting for the right to freedom of speech and freedom to be am individual. Many people in my country cry foul at some things our government does, and I’ll always defend that right to do so. But at the same time I think they sometimes take for granted how truly free we are, and they should be more aware of places like China, where you face real dangers like this, just for expressing your opinion.

    So keep fighting the good fight and please know that there are many of us in the free world, who pray and hope your freedom, God bless you and may he shine his love and guidance on your valiant efforts.

  • […] August 8, The independent Hong Kong news website inmediahk.net [zh] was raided by masked men who pretended to offer donations to the organization and ravaged computer equipment […]

  • […] August 8, The independent Hong Kong news website inmediahk.net [zh] was raided by masked men who pretended to offer donations to the organization and ravaged computer equipment […]

  • Solana Larsen

    That is so terrible Oiwan :-(

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