December, 2009

Stories from December, 2009

China: Online protest against CNNIC

  22 December 2009

A group of webmasters puts up a protest website called FuckCNNIC to protest against the recent policy that bans individuals from registering CN domain. Last week, the China Internet Network...

China: Battle against containment

  17 December 2009

A diagram has been circulated through twitter indicating how netizens in China fight against information blocking and manipulation by state institution in the past few days. Below is a translated...

Moroccan Blogger Bashir Hazem Arrested

  11 December 2009

Moroccan blogger Bashir Hazem was arrested on December 8, 2009 following a protest in Tarjijt, during which students clashed with security forces, after posting a press release about the clash on his blog. He has been interrogated about his blogging, specifically his most recent post, which contained the signatures of a committee of arrested students. He faces trial on December 14, 2009.

Jacob Appelbaum Presents Tor at Arab Bloggers Workshop 2009

  9 December 2009

The second annual Arab Bloggers Workshop is currently taking place in Beirut, Lebanon (see other blog posts here); the Workshop consists of various presentations and smaller workshops on topics ranging from "Arab techies" to online campaigns to anonymity and circumvention technologies. Today, Jacob Appelbaum (@ioerror on Twitter)

Interview with Eman AbdElRahman

  9 December 2009

Eman AbdElRahman or “Lasto Adri” covers Egypt for Global Voices Online and is very active in the project Kolena Laila (in English here). The project devotes an annual day to...

2nd Arab Bloggers Meeting

  5 December 2009

The Heinrich Boell Foundation and Global Voices are organizing the Second Arab Bloggers Meeting in Beirut from the 8th till the 12th of December 2009. This meeting is a follow-up...