Eduardo Avila

Current Director of Rising Voices. I have also worked as Regional Editor and Spanish Language Editor for Global Voices, as well as a volunteer author. I have been part of GV since 2005.

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Latest posts by Eduardo Avila

Interview with Eman AbdElRahman

  9 December 2009

Eman AbdElRahman or “Lasto Adri” covers Egypt for Global Voices Online and is very active in the project Kolena Laila (in English here). The project devotes an annual day to...

Cuba: Government Officials Tell Bloggers to Cancel Planned Meeting

  6 December 2008

A Cuban blogger meet-up scheduled for December 6 is in danger of being cancelled by the authorities. The event, which has been in the planning stage for months and had 25 confirmed attendees, is being deemed “counterrevolutionary.” This is according to a recent conversation between officials from the Interior Ministry and one of the island's most well-known bloggers Yoaní Sánchez of Generación Y, who was one of the bloggers recently summoned to the local police station.