Latest posts by Jillian York from October, 2011
Brazil: 1º Encontro Mundial de Blogueiros (First World Bloggers’ Conference)
This week a blogger conference–dubbed the 1º Encontro Mundial de Blogueiros (or First World Bloggers’ Conference)–is taking place in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. Sponsored by Brazilian companies Petrobras and Sanepar,...
Egyptian Blogger's Summons Adds Fuel to Campaign Against Military Trials
Alaa Abd El Fattah, a well-known Egyptian blogger and activist who was imprisoned in 2006 under the Mubarak regime, learned on Monday that he has been summoned by a military prosecutor. He joins a growing list of Egyptian activists targeted by the military.
Global Voices at the Silicon Valley Human Rights Summit
This week, San Francisco will play host to the Silicon Valley Human Rights Summit or RightsCon, a conference at which several members and friends of the Global Voices community will...