I study international security. I've spent some time spent in Kazakhstan, and retained an obsession about the region. In addition to English, I speak French, and I am learning Russian at an abysmal pace when I’m not consumed with my day job.
I currently live in or around Washington, DC. In 2006 I was named, among others, Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.
I also blog at Registan.net, a blog devoted to Central Asia and the Caucasus.
Latest posts by Joshua Foust
Sayed Pervez Kambakhsh's Sentence Commuted to 20 Years
An Afghan appeals court overturned a death sentence Tuesday for a journalism student accused of blasphemy for asking questions in class about women’s rights under Islam. But the judges still sentenced him to 20 years in prison.
No Movement on Death Sentence for Afghan Internet User
Journalism student Sayed Parwez Kambakhsh, accused of supposedly copyng text from an Iranian website criticizing Islam's stance on the treatment of women and sentenced to death for heresy, was berated by his own judge at his most recent appeals hearing, according to Jean MacKenzie at IWPR.