Latest posts by Mong Palatino from July, 2017
Brunei Government Employee Complaining About Halal Certification Charged with Sedition Over Facebook Post
"Anyways that guy that's being charged with speaking out against the govt is a reminder that we don't have freedom of speech," wrote a Twitter user.
Philippines: On Facebook's Free Version, Fake News is Even Harder to Spot
Free Basics' limitations leave poorer users at a loss, giving them less access to useful information -- and little capacity to determine whether news is reliable or not.
Papua New Guinea Court Issues Gag Order Against Blogger Critical of Electoral Commissioner
"Dear all, Since I have been restrained by the courts I will be tweeting this image daily until such time I am allowed to tweet freely."
Philippine Senator Moves to Criminalize ‘Fake News’ — Could This Lead to Censorship?
"How does one distinguish between a false report based on an honest mistake and one maliciously spread through print, broadcasting and online?"
Myanmar Military Cracks Down on Independent Media, Arrests Three Journalists
"It is absurd that security forces are using outdated laws to silence and punish journalists who have committed no crime," wrote the editor of The Irrawaddy.