Prudence Nyamishana is a communications specialist that is passionate about women’s rights, governance, civic engagement and sustainable development. She is a Ugandan netizen that makes he voice heard through her blog – and @nyapru1 on twitter. She is Uganda’s Global Voices contributor amplifying human rights, gender, governance, and development stories that are trending on social media. She is currently a communications consultant with Centre for Public interest Law Uganda. She has done a number of communications related work with a number of development agencies including Watoto Childcare ministries, Forum for Women in Democracy, ManUp, UN Women, USAID, and UNVolunteers. With all this communications work she hopes that her country will be a better place.
Latest posts by Prudence Nyamishana
How are the Ugandan and Kenyan governments silencing dissenting voices?
Both countries criminalize protest leaders, with activists and organizers facing charges such as incitement, unlawful assembly, or treason.
Uganda's tax on social media will widen the digital gender gap
"When I interviewed women living in...a slum in Kampala, I learned that for them, WhatsApp and Facebook are the internet...with the new tax, they will be cut off altogether."
Ugandan Government Plans to Tax Social Media Users for Too Much Gossip
"Uganda wants to profit where it did not invest. Social media owners gave it out for free and you wanna tax it?"
Ugandan Academic and Sanitary Pad Campaign Leader Faces Criminal Charges For ‘Computer Misuse’
Nyanzi's story has become a rallying opportunity for Ugandans who oppose the Musveni government.
Uganda's Defiance Campaign Will Not Be Televised
"Hot on the heels of #WorldPressFreedomDay comes #UgandaMediaGag. Ironic"
Ugandan Authorities Jail Facebook User for “Offensive” Comments About President Musveni
Robert Shaka, a Ugandan IT specialist, is in jail for allegedly running the controversial TVO-Uganda Facebook page. But multiple sources, including TVO-Uganda, say Shaka has been wrongly accused.