· March, 2011

Stories about Bahrain from March, 2011

Bahraini “Blogfather” Mahmood Al-Yousif Arrested

30 March 2011

Shortly after 3am local time, prominent Bahraini blogger Mahmood al-Yousif was arrested in his home. Before leaving with police officers, the blogger tweeted, "Police here for me." His brother and son have both confirmed the arrest.

Microsoft Compromises Users’ Privacy: No HTTPS in Arab Countries, Iran

  25 March 2011

With the ongoing protestes and violent crackdown from governments in the Middle East, compromising online security could have dire repercussions on the wellbeing of internet users in the region. Email security is a priority and HTTPS should be enabled by default. Gmail does that, while Microsoft allows users to choose to activate...

Alert: Ali Abdulemam goes missing in Bahrain

  18 March 2011

We just received the following news from the Bahrain Human Rights Society alerting us about the missing of our dear friend and colleague Ali Abdulemam. Ali Abdulemam, a leading Bahraini blogger and Global Voices Advocacy author, has been arrested earlier on 4 September 2010 and released on 23 February 2011...