Stories about Activism from March, 2015
Chinese Artist Recounts Being Censored for Selling Ai Weiwei T-Shirt
Artist Wu Tun saw economic rights collide with online censorship when he tried to sell a T-shirt supporting world renowned political artist Ai Weiwei.
Singapore Blogger Who Criticized Court Case of Anti-Gay Sex Law Fined for ‘Scandalizing the Judiciary’
"The prosecution of Alex Au for speaking out is just one more example of Singapore’s willingness to misuse law to gag its critics."
Blogger Law Violations Go Unpunished in Russia
Since the infamous 'blogger law' came into power in Russia seven months ago, Roscomnadzor documented 67 violations, but not a single blogger has been punished for swearing or religious offenses.
Macedonia’s Massive Illegal Wiretapping Operation Allegedly Monitored Journalists and Diplomats
As a 4-year-long wiretapping scandal unravels in Macedonia, online users draw attention to the lack of media coverage and the history of the characters behind the story.