Stories about Law from January, 2012
New Book Proposes Open Internet Policies for Latin America
Last week, the Center for the Study of Free Expression (CELE) at Argentina’s University of Palermo released a book addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing Latin American digital rights advocates today, with contributions by leading policy experts from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S.
Poland: Netizens Protest Government's Plan To Sign ACTA Next Week
With the world still talking about the aftermath of the SOPA/PIPA Blackout Day, Polish netizens are confronted with another backstabbing development in the fight for free Internet: ACTA.
Internet Blackout Day Fires Up Digital Rights Activism Around the World
Yesterday was a defining moment for the global Internet community. The effects of the massive online blackout in protest of U.S. Internet blacklist legislation, SOPA and PIPA, were felt around the world as countless websites joined in a global action against over-broad and poorly drafted copyright laws.
U.S. Bills Could Threaten the Global Internet
At Global Voices, we understand that we, collectively, are the Internet. Our individual participation is what makes the Internet a global conversation of startling depth and variety, but this is...
How PIPA and SOPA Violate White House Principles Supporting Free Speech and Innovation
Over the weekend, the Obama administration issued a potentially game-changing statement on the blacklist bills, saying it would oppose PIPA and SOPA as written, and drew an important line in...
Biometrics in Argentina: Mass Surveillance as a State Policy
Two years ago, the UK dismantled their national ID scheme and shredded their National Identity Registry in response to great public outcry over the privacy-invasive program. Unfortunately privacy protections have...
Will Iran Soon Have Its Own “Clean Internet”?
The Iranian regime may be losing its battle to filter content on the internet, but meanwhile it is trying news things - from slowing down internet speeds, to developing a so-called "national internet" or "clean internet".