Stories about Law from April, 2012
Big Brother Awards Requite Privacy Invaders
The Big Brother Awards created by the organisation Privacy International in the United Kingdom to shame privacy invaders are now held in many countries across Europe and around the world. Germany held their 2012 ceremony only few weeks ago.
Hong Kong: Artists Against Copyright Amendment Bill
The Hong Kong SAR government is about to table the 2011 Copyright (Amendment) Bill to the Legislative Council for 2nd reading on May 9, 2012. The bill is to criminalize...
How Should We Govern the Internet? Livestream of Global INET Forum 2012
An important meeting on Internet governance issues is taking place in Geneva, Switzerland from April 23-23, 2012. Participate remotely to follow discussions on privacy, net neutrality, IPv6, security, digital content and innovation, human rights and free speech.
Pakistan: Unpacking an Anti-Censorship Campaign
When Pakistan's government called for proposals for a new URL filtering and blocking system earlier this year, local and global civil society coordinated their campaigns to focus on the strategies most likely to elicit a response from the authorities.