Stories about Privacy from June, 2014
Thai Junta Used Facebook App to Harvest Email Addresses
New revelations show how determined the Thai government is to warp the Internet — including social media — to its own ends.
The Struggle for Freedom Online in Mexico
Mexican citizens continue to protest the country's broad-reaching telecom law, that could impact free expression, privacy, and other fundamental rights online.
Russia Says the Internet Spreads Extremism
Russia’s Interior Ministry has drafted a ten-year strategy for countering violent extremism. The plan identifies the Internet as the main conduit for extremism and calls for new policing measures.
Get the Facts: Egypt Ramps Up Digital Surveillance
Egypt's Ministry of Interior wants to monitor all online content -- public and private. Learn what the government is doing now, and what it's hoping to do in the future.
On 1st Anniversary of Snowden Revelations, World Governments Urged to End Mass Surveillance
A year after Edward Snowden revealed governments' large-scale monitoring of individuals, an international group comprising nearly 350,500 organizations and individuals are rallying in support ofNecessary and Proportionate Principles .
How the NSA Violates International Human Rights Standards
Under NSA surveillance programs, the US government has violated international human rights doctrine and even its own laws. Know the facts and learn how you can reclaim your digital privacy.
Get the Facts: 365 Days of Snowden Leaks
Since June 5, 2013, a lot has been uncovered about worldwide digital surveillance. Here's a round-up of some of the most significant things we've learned from the Snowden leaks.