Stories about Threatened Voices from November, 2016
Complaint of Moldy Buns Triggers Wave of Harassment at Chinese University
A student was forced to make a public apology after accusing his school cafeteria of selling moldy buns. He has now left Weibo, after receiving a flood of harassing comments.
Despite Suppression, Founder of Prize-winning Chinese Citizen Journalism Website Remains Optimistic
This post was written by Catherine Lai and originally published on Hong Kong Free Press on November 12, 2016. The version below is published on Global Voices under a partnership agreement. Despite the continued detention of his reporters and having been imprisoned twice, the founder of the citizen news site…
Netizen Report: Trump Win Triggers Safety and Surveillance Fears
US activists weather wave of post-election social media harassment, Ethiopia blocks Global Voices, and the UK finally passes the much-maligned Snoopers Charter.
Omani Film Critic Sentenced to Jail Over Facebook Posts
"As long as there is a human being exploiting a human being, there are revolutionary dreams, and dreams make the future."
Ethiopian Authorities Arrest Zone9 Blogger Befeqadu Hailu Citing ‘State of Emergency’
Hailu was told that his arrest was prompted by the interview he gave for Voice of America's Amharic Service about Ethiopia's state of emergency.
Chinese Activist Who Wore ‘Xitler’ T-Shirt Goes Missing in Detention
"He’s one of a very small number of young Chinese who have been outspoken in criticising the Chinese government on Twitter using their real names."