Stories about Opinion from February, 2014
#AB14: If I speak out, will I be punished for it?
Focusing on policies for the digital realm seems strange in a region where dissent and even fact-based reporting, whether they happen online or offline, so often have profound real-life consequences.
Arab Bloggers: A Blessed Generation?
"It’s no surprise that three years after the start of the Arab revolutions, the situation of online freedom of expression in the region seems almost as bleak as it did before 2011." Hisham Almiraat reflects on #AB14.
Privacy vs. Free Speech? Questioning the Conflict
"In the Arab world...we are still struggling to have our voices heard. I cannot accept the idea that the fight has now moved to the area of surveillance and away from free speech."
Indonesia: Twitter Defamation Case Casts Shadow on Media Landscape
Media freedom advocates call for a revision of Indonesia's 'draconian' Internet law after a local Twitter celebrity was found guilty of defaming a politician.