Stories about Sub-Saharan Africa from November, 2019
Nigeria's social media bill will obliterate online freedom of expression
The proposed social media bill will annihilate online freedom of expression, criminalize criticism of the government and legalize internet shutdowns in Nigeria.
Activists in Angola continue to face repression for online and offline activities
Online activists in Angola risk tough reactions from authorities, particularly when their activities are connected to offline activism.
Will Uganda shut down the internet as opposition heats up for 2021 elections?
As the 2021 election approaches, Uganda authorities are very likely to continue to crack down on political dissent, including through social media shutdowns.
In Ethiopia’s disinformation epidemic, the crumbling ruling coalition is the elephant in the room
As acts of communal violence that took place in Oromia in October subsided, a new battle began online over interpretations of the violence — and who was to blame.
Twitter was a minefield of false information during the 2019 Nigerian elections
Twitter became a battle ground of ethnocentric disinformation and political propaganda before, during and in the immediate aftermath of the 2019 elections in Nigeria.
Social media propelled ethnocentric disinformation and propaganda during the Nigerian elections
The 2019 Nigerian elections witnessed unprecedented dissemination of ethnic hate speech at the service of disinformation and propaganda online, particularly on Twitter.
The right to privacy in Sudan: A call to enact a data protection act
In the absence of an effective data protection law, personal data will remain at risk of misuse and abuse not only by the government but also the private sector.