Stories about France
Black Lives Matter forces an IBM U-turn on facial recognition
In wake of Black Lives Matter protests, the company IBM has announced its withdrawal from the facial recognition software market
A French Videographer is Detained, Highlighting France's Odd Use of ‘State of Emergency’
Gaspard Glantz, Taranis News site creator and video reporter focusing on protest movements in France is facing legal challenges that constraint his work.
Netizen Report: Medium Stands Up for Malaysian Investigative Journalists
The Malaysian government is now blocking the blogging platform Medium, in an apparent effort to censor the Malaysian investigative news organization Sarawak Report.
Facing Sweeping Surveillance Bill, French Public Falls Between Alarm and Indifference
Civil liberties defenders say a pending bill could catapult France into a new position of power in the field of international Internet surveillance.
Lost in the Web: Navigating the Legal Maze Online
Media lawyer and human rights expert Nani Jansen gives an overview of censorship and online speech regulation across the globe.
Netizen Report: Are France’s Human Rights Commitments Crumbling Post-Charlie?
France ups the ante with more anti-terror measures, suffers and massive DDoS attack, and India welcomes good news for free expression, for once.
Netizen Report: Art, Sex and the Social Web
Artists face censorship on Facebook and US Senator Ron Wyden points out that sometimes, cybersecurity really does mean surveillance.
Wave of Arrests in France for ‘Advocating Terrorism’ After Charlie Hebdo Attack
Since the attacks last January, over 100 criminal charges have been filed for terrorism advocacy in France, occasionally against minors, oftentimes for reasons that have little to do with the true fight against terrorism.
Netizen Report: Post-Charlie Chilling Effects Take Shape Worldwide
This week, we look at reactions to the Charlie Hebdo attack from Russia, the UK and across the EU -- and the ramifications the attack could have for digital rights.
Court Ruling Against Restaurant Reviewer Leaves French Bloggers Reeling
The presiding judge ruled that while the review fell "within the scope of freedom of expression" its title was defamatory.
VIDEO: ‘Nothing to Hide’ — Really? #TheDayWeFightBack
In this catchy music video, Jérémie Zimmermann, from French digital rights group La Quadrature du Net, partners with La Parisienne Libérée to ask Internet users: Are you sure you have nothing to hide?
The Day We Fight Back, à la Française
After Edward Snowden's leaks became public, France's practices of Internet surveillance soon appeared in plain sight. This Tuesday, French citizens will join the global effort to stop mass government surveillance.
France: Photos and Impressions from the World Forum for Democracy 2012 in Strasbourg
The first World Forum for Democracy took place in Strasbourg, France, from October 5 - 11, 2012. The co-editor of Global Voices in French was in attendance and reported on the conversations that took place.
Tim Berners-Lee: Protect the Open Web! #WWW2012
On April 16-20, 2012 the 21st International World Wide Web Conference (#WWW2012) gathered in Lyon, France to discuss matters of global concern for the Internet and the Web. A major highlight was an inspiring keynote by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web.
Big Brother Awards Requite Privacy Invaders
The Big Brother Awards created by the organisation Privacy International in the United Kingdom to shame privacy invaders are now held in many countries across Europe and around the world. Germany held their 2012 ceremony only few weeks ago.
What Does Twitter’s Country-by-Country Takedown System Mean for Freedom of Expression?
Yesterday, Twitter announced in a blog post that it was launching a system that would allow the company to take down content on a country-by-country basis, as opposed to taking it down across the Twitter system. Eva Galperin explains what the new system will, and will not, allow.
France: ‘3 Strikes’ Internet piracy law defeated in parliament
France's parliament rejected Hadopi (la Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des œuvres et la protection des droits sur internet) bill on Thursday (09.04.2009) with the ruling UMP party failure (21-15)...
March of the censors: France, Turkey and China clamp down on freedom of speech
Two weeks ago, the French blog AgoraVox, one of the leading European citizen media blogs, warned against what it termed the gradual “berlusconisation” of the French media and the threat...