Mumbai police to monitor cyber-cafes

In its war against terrorism, Mumbai's police is planning to install keystroke loggers in Mumbai's cyber cafes. According to Vijay Mukhi, President of the Foundation for Information Security and Technology:

The police needs to install programs that will capture every key stroke at regular interval screen shots, which will be sent back to a server that will log all the data.

The police can then keep track of all communication between terrorists no matter, which part of the world they operate from.This is the only way to patrol the net and this is how the police informer is going to look in the e-age.

This new monitoring software, CARMS (Cyber Access Remote Monitoring System), that Mumbai's police are requiring the city's 500 Internet cafes to install, “will capture every keystroke by users and turn that information over to the government — nearly in realtime by the sound of it,” said the Indian journalist Amit Varma .

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