Advox is a project of Global Voices. We are a global network dedicated to reporting on freedom of expression online and advocating for policies that support a trustworthy, free and open internet for all.
We report on threats to online speech, share tactics for defending the work and words of netizens, and support efforts to improve Internet policy and practice worldwide.
We recognize that universal human rights to free expression, access to information, and privacy are being challenged by governments, companies, and other powerful actors worldwide. With over 800 contributors in 130 countries, we believe that the Global Voices community is uniquely positioned to do something about this.
We aim to leverage our great strength — our networks, our knowledge, and the voices we seek to amplify — to make our site a central space for anyone eager to learn about emerging issues, discover advocacy efforts, and work together as new challenges emerge and old fights continue.
Leadership Team
- Ameya Nagarajan
is the Advox Editor. With over ten years of experience with editing and communication, Ameya has studied English, Latin American Studies and Business Administration. She set up Penguin India's teen publishing imprint, the Indian Express's podcast network, and is co-host of Fat. So? India's only fat liberation podcast.
Oiwan Lam is our editor for China. An experienced journalist and media rights advocate with InMedia Hong Kong, Oiwan has written for Global Voices since 2006.
Global Voices Advocacy was founded in 2007 by Sami ben Gharbia, a Tunisian free speech advocate and blogger. Subsequent directors have included Hisham Almiraat (2012–2014), Ellery Roberts Biddle (2015–2019) and Nanjala Nyabola (2021–2022).
Our contributors are bloggers, activists, journalists, technologists, lawyers and Internet policy experts from around the world. Contact us to join our international community!
- Ameya Nagarajan