China: No more criticism against Green Dam!

Update: June 16 – Green Dam filter software ‘not compulsory’ – via China Daily.

On June 10th, the central propaganda department issued a notice reminding all the media to report positively on Green Dam, Youth Escort, the filter and spyware to be installed in all PCs sold in China.

Meanwhile, netizens continue to dig out all the flaws in the software and the company's background; Information activists and various organizations on the other hand, have compiled a number of documents and reports on Green Dam. (see Rebecca MacKinnon's list in her blog).

Given the propaganda department's notice, people were surprised to see that the government's mouthpiece's nationalistic “strong country” forum had created a special page (removed) and criticized the Ministry of Information Industry and Technology for taking the decision without consulting the public. Moreover, a poll in the forum showed that more than 80% of the netizens is against the introduction of the compulsory filter on their PCs.

However, the special topic page only stay online for two days, it was removed today (June 15), together with the poll. Below is a cache image of the page and the poll:

Now that serious criticisms are harmonized, the post 80 generation created a cartoon figure, green dam girl, to consumer and counter attack the Green Dam. How? You can take a look at this one:

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