China: Website registration system

According to Sohu IT news on February 22, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has issued a notice and demanded a further enforcement of the website registration and verification system, or the so-called white listing of the Chinese Internet.

The latest requirement demands the webmaster to go to the Internet Data Center (IDC) in person to take photo and copy all the documents at the center. The IDC has to verify the website content, webmaster contact and website info before submitting to the provincial MIIT registration center.

Update: Netizen complain that the process is like taking criminal picture:

Documents that required to submit are:

- company / organization / DANWEI registration details (in case the website is a company website) + webmaster's identification documents
– webmaster's identification documents (in case the website is a personal one)
– contact information including cell phone, office number, email address, mailing address
– name of the website, domain name, website contents, license for certain content (such as news)
– login information to the IDC: username, access information, server location, website IP

Below is a flow chart of the registration procedure:

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