A petition has been launched by Maghrebism to protest the block of the video-sharing site Youtube by Maroc Telecom (Vivendi International). “We demand that Maroc Telecom and Vivendi Universal immediately stop the current online censorship on YouTube and all other services being censored, which is a violation of the right to have free access to information. We believe that Maroc Telecom and Vivendi Universal are promoting censorship within the Moroccan society. This is in direct contradiction to their stated goal of “Knowledge Sharing” as mentioned in their Sustainable Development program documentation,” said the petition.
Maghrebism is also calling on Internet-users to join digg Youtube_blocked_in_Morocco.
Larbi, a prominent Moroccan francophone blogger, choose another way to protest the block of Youtube: his blog is on strike. Larbi changed the front page of his blog inton a call to protest the ban.