Following the suspension of Hossein Derakhshan’s blog (aka Hoder) by the U.S. based hosting company, Hosting Matters, an online petition has been launched by The Eyeranian in support of Hoder’s right to freedom of speech: “Hoder, like all of us, has a right to express his opinion. Opinions expressed in a personal weblog are just that; the writer’s personal opinions. Limiting such right without due process is unethical, and even illegal. We should all fight for his right to speak, since it is also about our own right to speak,” the initiator of Let Hoder Speak! petition said.
UPDATE: the petition was closed on Monday, August 20th.
قاطعو بلوغر إن كنتم صادقين…
بقلم: سامي بن غربية لقد عودتنا طبيعتنا الإنفعالية و المتشنجة على “رفض” ما هو أمريكي أو غربي عند الحاجة و القبول به… عند الحاجة أيضا. أحسن مثال على هذا هو الدعوة التي أطلقها البعض- ممن أحترم فيهم مناصرتهم لقضايا الأمة العربية- لمقاطعة الندوة التي ستن…