Here's a good opportunity to share with your friends and coworkers on Twitter, as well as other Declaration supporters and signers what The Declaration of Internet Freedom principles personally mean to you, why you value these principles and how these issues effect your life.
To encourage further engagement and feedback on the Declaration we hope that you, a member of Global Voices community will in the following weeks use Twitter to highlight your opinion on one principle of the declaration a week. To discuss the first principle “Don't censor the Internet”, please use these hashtags this week:#netfreedom #censorship. Below is a schedule of when we will begin to highlight each principles and which hashtags we plan to use each week.
Please tweet your own opinions about what each principle means to you. Your input adds a lot of value to the discussion. Also, follow the hashtags and respond to individuals who are interested in discussing the principles. If there are new developments happening in your country which effect your freedom on the internet, share them using the week's hashtags. At the end of each week Katy Tasker, of Public Knowledge will curate a Storify page to highlight the most interesting tweets on each principle.
Weekly schedule:
July 30: Expression: Don’t censor the Internet #netfreedom #censorship
Aug 6: Access: Promote universal access to fast and affordable networks #netfreedom #access
Aug 13: Openness: Keep the Internet an open network where everyone is free to… #netfreedom #openinternet
Aug 20: Innovation: Protect freedom to innovate, don’t block new technologies #netfreedom #innovation
Aug 27: Privacy: Protect privacy and defend everyone’s ability to control how their data and devices are used#netfreedom #privacy