Latest posts by Katitza Rodriguez from January, 2012
International Privacy Day: Fighting Data Retention Mandates Around the World
This January 28 marks International Privacy Day. Different countries around the world are celebrating this day with their own events. In EFF, we are calling on governments to repeal mandatory...
Internet Blackout Day Fires Up Digital Rights Activism Around the World
Yesterday was a defining moment for the global Internet community. The effects of the massive online blackout in protest of U.S. Internet blacklist legislation, SOPA and PIPA, were felt around the world as countless websites joined in a global action against over-broad and poorly drafted copyright laws.
Biometrics in Argentina: Mass Surveillance as a State Policy
Two years ago, the UK dismantled their national ID scheme and shredded their National Identity Registry in response to great public outcry over the privacy-invasive program. Unfortunately privacy protections have...