Two bloggers were separately tortured in Egyptian State Security headquarters. One of them is now released, while the other has been receiving treatment in prison.
After his release, the Egyptian blogger Mohamed Adel told an independent local newspaper that he was subjected to torture by the State security agents during the first 17 days of his detention.
Al-Dostour newspaper, quoted Adel who was released on 10 March:
torture included whipping and suspension and electric shocks, Mohamed Adel said that each time there were doctors who came to treat the torture trace on his body to hide it
The newspaper added that Mohamed was left naked for 5 days. During the interrogation the state security was asking him about some bloggers and journalists in Egypt and what he knew about them, and about his blog and opinions on Gaza and Hamas.
Adel who runs the blog Maeit (already dead!) disappeared since Friday, November 21, 2008. Five days later, the Arabic network for Human Rights (ANHRI) revealed that Adel was held at the State Security headquarters in Cairo. He was detained because of a photograph taken of him, with a Palestinian Hamas official. The damning evidence was clicked when Adel participated in a humanitarian caravan to the Gaza Strip.
Before his release, Adel started a hanger strike on 28th February, protesting mistreatment and solitary confinement.
Meanwhile, The detained blogger Dia’ el Din Gad is receiving treatment from the prison doctor and was able to meet his family and lawyer on his prison on the outskirts of the capital, Cairo.
Dia’ el Din Gad was arrested on 6 February , he is the runner of a blog called Sout Ghadeb (Angry Voice) where he used to write his views criticizing the Egyptian policy regarding Gaza. He also referred to President Hosni Mubarak as “Ehud Mubarak” – in a reference to Israeli Minister of Defence Ehud Barak.
Amnesty International who considers Gad a prisoner of conscience, mentioned in a recent statement that:
During interrogation, SSI officers repeatedly threatened to torture and otherwise ill-treat him, and other detainees were apparently brought in front of him and tortured with electric shocks. He was kept constantly blindfolded and heard screams of people who, it appeared, were being tortured.
Dia’ el Din Gad was not beaten but verbally abused and told he would never be released. He was given no access to medical attention, despite a pre-existing condition which affects his breathing and for which he takes painkillers and other medication.