March 12 was the World Day Against Cyber Censorship and Reporter without Border announced its latest list of “Enemies of the Internet” which points finger at China, among other authoritarian states.
Jason Ng from Kenengba tries to enrich the discussion by outline various aspects of Chinese Internet censorship.
1. Non-transparent censorship
A. Where comes the openness?
First of all, the blogger points out that whenever the Chinese government reacts to the issue of Internet censorship, it would state that “Internet in China is very open” and then support the statement with statistics such as “there are more than 3,800 million internet users in China”. However, the two statements do not carry any logical relation.
B. Unreasonable censorship
Secondly, he points out that main reason why people hate China's Internet censorship is because of its lack of transparency:
Once the regulation is in the dark, people cannot act according to the system. The government administration can react to the statement “I love CCP” positively when it is in good mood. When it is in bad mood, it will take it as an irony. And you can only swear “Grass-mud horse” to the computer screen.
C. Google's protest
The blogger believes the reason why Google is unhappy about China's censorship is also due to the problem of transparency:
2. The Censor machine
The blogger has identified a number of censorship mechanism in China.
A. Self censorship
B. Machine censor
In the case of machine censor, the users have to guess what are the sensitive terms whenever they publish an article. Here is what Internet users will encounter:
2. You will find out that you only manage to publish 99 words and all words from 100-9900 will disappear.
3. You can't recover the 9900 words again and you have to retype them.
4. Then you realize that the number 100 and 101 are sensitive, you change the expression and publish it again.
5. You then find out that you only manage to publish 200 words because the number 201 word is a sensitive term again…
Another machine censor example is the Green Dam:
C. Human Flesh Censor
A friend who once worked in Tencent told me that whenever the time was sensitive, such as during the annual National People's Congress, their workload would increase. They had to censor BBS, blog, and randomly users’ email. In China, email communication has no privacy.
Human flesh censors do not have standard in their practice. Very often, they judge according to their supervisor's guidelines. And they'd rather delete 1000 than letting 1 sensitive message to surface.
D. The notification team
Whenever the Internet control administration finds an “illegal” information online, they would call up the data center and the data center would call up the webmaster to delete the “illegal” message.
E. Red Head document team
1. What cannot be reported
2. What should be reported
3. What should the headline be
4. Which news should be channeled in the discussion
5. Which keywords should be blocked or redirected to a destinate search result
6. Which news story should be limited to the use of the Xinhua and People's Daily news sources
F. Mama Jury
G. Tea and Talks
Last year before the national day, a middle school kid criticized the preparatory performance of the ceremony for wasting his time in Twitter. Very soon, he was invited by the national security police for tea session. They threatened him that if he continued to talk like that, he would not be able to enter a good high school.
For a very long period of time, that school kid has kept silent in twitter.
H. The Great Firewall
A picture is worth a thousand words:
I. The 50 Cent Party
Whenever the government needs to channel public opinion, the 50 cent party would take action. They would write and voice out pro-government opinions in BBS, blogs, portal websites or even in traditional media like newspapers and T.V. They usually take action together and seldom act alone.
In spite of so many sophisticated censorship mechanism, the blogger still believes that democracy will eventually come and replace the brutal control over speech and expression.
(This post is also published at