Stories from 25 April 2014
Journalists Face Trial in Thailand for Quoting Reuters’ Report on Human Trafficking
Two reporters in Thailand are facing a defamation suit filed by the Royal Thai Navy after they quoted a Pulitzer-winning Reuters story about official involvement in trafficking Rohingya refugees.
Algeria's Opposition Report Threats, Intimidation Following President's Reelection
Government opposition groups say authorities are posting their personal information and contact details -- and even issuing death threats -- on social media.
GV Face: Live from the Internet World Cup
Do we have a new roadmap for global internet governance? This week's hangout is from the Net Mundial conference in São Paulo, Brazil.
NETmundial Closes With Thorny Issues Left Unaddressed
Reporting from Sao Paulo, Sarah Myers writes that for members of civil society, "the outcome was less a step forward for online rights than many had hoped."