Stories from June, 2019
Hong Kong press watchdog calls for investigation into police abuse against 26 journalists during protests
"Journalist watchdog recorded 10 cases of police officers firing tear gas bombs at close range towards reporters, 3 of whom were hit on the head."
Australia’s digital rights advocates and tech sector push back against law undermining encryption
"The new legislation directly targets encryption and basically coerces developers, device manufacturers and service providers to allow the government to spy on people’s encrypted data."
Netizen Report: Lawyers seek court challenge against Ethio Telecom over internet shutdown
Pakistani bloggers face threats for online speech, Algeria shuts down social media and Indonesian police say they’re "cyber patrolling" WhatsApp.
Indonesia’s post-election riots led to free speech violations
"While we understand the government’s intention to stop the distribution of false information and protect the public, the decision has also inadvertently restricted public’s access to factual information."
Netizen Report: Amid demonstrations for democracy, Sudanese civilians face military violence — and internet shutdowns
From Kazakhstan to Khartoum to Hong Kong, protests brought internet shutdowns and online attacks this week.
Police raids on major media organisations expose lack of press freedom in Australia
"These continued attacks on press freedoms in Australia should be condemned in the strongest possible terms. Freedom of the Press to scrutinise the Govt is crucial to liberal democracy."
Tinder now required to share user data with Russian authorities
The app is now legally required to store users' data for six months and provide it to the Russian authorities at their request.