Latest posts by Advox from July, 2015
German Digital Rights Pioneers Investigated for Treason
The last time a German journalist was charged with treason was in 1962, when the editor-in-chief of Der Spiegel was prosecuted for publishing secret documents about the German defense forces.
Ethiopians React to Bloggers’ Release With Compassion, Criticism
Supporters of the Zone9 blogging collective are expressing both joy and bitterness at the release of some -- but not all -- of the bloggers from prison last week.
Legalizing the Great Firewall: China's New Cyber Security Law Would Codify Censorship, Shutdowns
A new comprehensive cyber security law in China would legalize censorship, authorize network shutdowns, and make real-name registration mandatory.
Mexico Was Hacking Team's No. 1 Client for Spyware
At least 14 Mexican states and government agencies had contracts with Hacking Team, the Italy-based spyware company. But only some of them have constitutional authority to monitor citizen communications.
Bangladesh Activists Have Little Faith in Blogger Murder Investigations
"They are [attacking] bloggers because the Internet penetration is still low in the country and they want to silence freedom of speech that exposes their narratives and political message."
For Arab Human Rights Defenders, Hacking Team Files Confirm Suspicions of State Surveillance
"Rights groups knew Egypt using Hacking Team spyware since 2012; Sunday's hack just proved it," says Egyptian activist Ramy Raoof.