Stories about Free Expression from April, 2015
Digital Citizen 2.8
Digital Citizen is a biweekly review of news, policy, and research on human rights in the Arab World. This volume looks at repression in Kuwait, DDoS attacks in Lebanon, and much more.
VIDEO: The World is Saying #FreeZone9Bloggers
Global Voices marks the one-year anniversary of the arrest of Ethiopia's Zone9 bloggers with this crowd-sourced this video of support. Say it with us: #FreeZone9Bloggers!
“Take the Right Side in the Struggle of the Oppressed”: A Letter to John Kerry from Kilinto Prison, Ethiopia
In a letter to John Kerry, jailed Ethiopian blogger Natnael Feleke writes: "Because of the repressive regime, the Ethiopian constitution is powerless to protect citizens from being abused."
In Taiwan and on Facebook, the Nipple is Not Yet Free
"Before we label it as "indecent" and "obscene", a body is just a body, a part of the human self." Taiwanese women speak up for the #FreeTheNipple campaign.
Angola: Award-Winning Journalist Faces Trial Over ‘Blood Diamonds’ Investigation
Jonathan McCully contributed to this report. Last month, Rafael Marques de Morais was awarded the Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Award for Journalism for his “impactful, original, and unwavering investigative...
Vietnamese Netizens Are Getting Bolder Online, Despite Tough Laws
"Thanks to social media it has become possible and even trendsetting to publicly question the Communist Party’s legitimacy."
How Blogging is Held Hostage by Ethiopian Politics
"Why is there just a single—and poorly functioning—Internet service provider for Ethiopia’s 90 million people? We know better than to ask this of public officials."
Tanzania's Cyber Crime Bill Gives More Power to Police, Less to People
Leading opponents of the legislation from civil society say they will take the government to court if the president signs the bill into law.
New Internet Rules in China Target Usernames, Avatars as Subversive Tools
More than 67,000 user accounts have been deleted due to a new rule that prohibits screen names and profile pictures that threaten national security, destroy ethnic unity, or defame others.
What Does Censoring Nude Art Say About Us and Our Social Networks?
This post is the first in a series exploring the different ways in which artists face censorship online. Our base will be the experience of Venezuelan artist Erika Ordisgotti.
Digital Citizen 2.7
Digital Citizen is a biweekly review of news, policy, and research on human rights and technology in the Arab World.
An Aggressive Turn in Chinese Censorship Practices: ‘The Great Cannon’
"It is likely that this attack, with its potential for political backlash, would require the approval of high-level authorities within the Chinese government."
Netizen Report: Turkey’s Erdogan Fights to Control the Conversation, Online and in Print
A Malaysian cartoonist faces sedition charges, SnapChat goes transparent, and Venezuela faces possible new social media regulations.
Netizen Report: Two Bangladeshi Bloggers Assassinated for Critical Speech
Egypt calls for "safer" Internet policies, China’s Cyberspace Administration bans “wife-swapping” stories, and thuggery abounds.