Stories about Women-Gender
In Azerbaijan it isn't just the president for life, but the parliament too
Regardless of whether old faces will remain in the parliament, or will be replaced by their children, the upcoming snap parliamentary vote will have little impact on the country's future.
No respite for Georgia's civil society
Last year, when the ruling party announced its decision to adopt the bill it was met with large public outcry as well as international criticism.
Australian journalist pushes back against anti-LGBTQ+ trolls
"I don't want people to feel like I'm not their broadcaster. But equally if I'm not my authentic self, I can't do my job well."
Brazil: Communicators and activists from marginalized communities discuss online harassment and how they protect themselves
More than half of the journalists, communicators and influencers surveyed said they had received threats or been intimidated online, while 46 percent reported that they had already suffered hacking attempts on social media profiles
Iran’s women, digital rights and human freedoms
While the Iranian government’s tactics reflect a global issue, the world must remember and celebrate the unique courage of Iran’s women, who stand tall in the face of adversity.
Concerns in Guyana about threats against women activists
Women have been on the receiving end of death threats and other forms of intimidation for speaking out against mining, fossil fuel extraction and sexual violence.
Disinformation fuels church protest against gender equality in North Macedonia
The iconography of June 29 protest, organized by Macedonian Orthodox Church and right-wing political parties, included religious and nationalist symbols, Russian flags and participation by pro-Kremlin politicians and associations.
How companies collect private data about reproductive health
Data about reproduction is tracked and gathered by many companies worldwide without people’s awareness. This article explains why this data is valuable and the possible consequences for people’s reproductive rights.
Unfreedom Monitor Report: Access
Advox research into internet access, shutdowns and interruptions is now in a report. Read an excerpt and download the full pdf.
‘Post at your own risk': An interview with Indian journalist Srishti Jaswal
Global Voices conducted a telephonic interview with Srishti Jaswal, an award-winning journalist from India who became the target of online harassment from right-wing trolls, receiving thousands of threats.
Unfreedom Monitor Report: El Salvador
Advox research into digital authoritarianism in El Salvador is now in a report. Read an excerpt and download the full pdf.
The Caribbean outlook on World Press Freedom Day
Despite dismissiveness from elected officials, as well as instances of verbal abuse and cyberbullying, Caribbean journalists press on.
The consequences of online discrimination and authoritarianism for minorities
In most countries, three-quarters or more of the targets of online hate speech are members of minority groups, with women being disproportionately targeted.
Online gender-based violence: A tool of digital authoritarianism in India
Women journalists in India have been trolled, received death and rape threats, found themselves objectified on apps, and are allegedly targeted by spyware like Pegasus.
President Bukele harasses independent journalists on Twitter in El Salvador
Bukele's presidency has attacked and discredited independent journalists who expose corruption in his government, putting them at risk of harassment and violence.
Indonesia's new penal code revisions don't just threaten sexual freedoms
Indonesia's recent penal code revisions threaten journalists, free speech, bodily autonomy and more — severely undermining democracy in the region.
The world must hear the voice of Iranian women
The Iranian government is attempting to silence the online and offline voices of women and all dissidents through a brutal and ongoing crackdown.
North Macedonia journalist organizations condemn verbal attack against female journalist
Garbage collectors in Skopje threatened a journalist who documented their lack of work by implying harm to herself, her family and even her dog, demanding that she delete incriminating photos.
Iranian women’s rights activists face new online threats
Flooding social media accounts with fake followers and then mass reporting the accounts is a regular tactic used by state forces to silence rights defenders in Iran.
Azerbaijani journalist and queer activist murdered
Hafizli's sparked a public outcry on social media platforms, with many activists criticizing Azerbaijan's history of inaction when addressing hate crimes, specifically those targeting marginalized groups in the country.