Independent blogger based in Mexico. Focused on exercising my freedom of speech by creating web contents in Spanish, about justice, politics, transparency. || Bloguero independiente situado en México. Concentrado hacer valer mi libertad de expresión creando contenidos web en español, acerca de justicia, política, transparencia. Autor del blog
Latest posts by J. Tadeo
Mexico's Electoral Authority Announces Collaboration with Facebook, Casting Doubt on its Credibility
Social media are accusing the INE of creating "fake news" for having made false claims about an agreement with Facebook.
Murdered Mexican Journalist Cándido Ríos: ‘Our Weapons Do Not Shoot Bullets. Our Weapons Shoot Truth’
"His tireless efforts to denounce injustice brought him popularity among readers, but also enemies like the former mayor of Ríos' hometown Hueyapan, who threatened him with death several times."
Mexico's Drug War Makes Everyone a Target
The rise in use of digital surveillance tools has become part and parcel of Mexico's ongoing internal armed conflict.
‘No to Silence': Javier Valdez's Murder Highlights Persistent Perils for Mexican Journalists
Seven journalists have been murdered in Mexico this year. Since 2012, less than one percent of attacks on journalists have resulted in a criminal conviction.
Porn Customers Have a Right to Privacy — But Who's Looking Out For Them?
Violations to privacy rights expose not only the personal data of adult sites' users but the cracks of legal systems unable to protect customers of such websites.
Mexico Launches National Transparency Platform
Mexico has a new tool to combat the opacity of public servants and of those who govern. But its effectiveness in practice remains to be seen.
A Mexican Public Servant Is Using Periscope to Expose Lawbreakers, but Not Everyone Approves
"I’m in favor! The root of our problem is that corruption and illegality are socially accepted. Periscope encourages a change in mindset."
Mexico’s Cybercrime Bill is Dead. But What Will Lawmakers Think of Next?
A Mexican senator proposed legislation that many experts warned would have harmed privacy and free speech online in Mexico. A week later, after the public's backlash, he withdrew it.
The Western Hemisphere's Deadliest Country for Journalists
Mexico received the second lowest ranking (after Cuba) in the Americas on the World Press Freedom Index for in 2014.
Mexico: Shots Fired at Transparency Expert on University Campus
Violence continues unabated in Mexico: Ernesto Villanueva, a lawyer specializing in transparency and freedom of expression, was attacked by a gunman on a university campus.
Freedom of Information Dealt A Blow in Mexico: IFAI Won't Challenge Telecom Law
Disappointment and frustration prevail as the IFAI's decision leaves Mexico's citizens defenseless against the country's crucial new telecom law.
Transparency Reform in Mexico: A Step Backward in the Name of Security?
The Attorney General, the President of the National Bank, and other high-ranking authorities may soon be able to overrule actions of the Federal Institute for Access to Information, the semi-autonomous entity that guarantees the public’s right to access information.