Stories about Human Rights from September, 2023
Iran’s women, digital rights and human freedoms
While the Iranian government’s tactics reflect a global issue, the world must remember and celebrate the unique courage of Iran’s women, who stand tall in the face of adversity.
Australian parliamentarians visit Washington to lobby for Julian Assange's release
Despite the visit, support for Assange's release remains low in the US. If extradited, he could face a sentence of up to 175 years in prison.
Cambodia’s Ministry of Agriculture threatens legal action against CamboJA news
"In this system, journalists are expected to conform to the contours of power rather than challenging them."
Zimbabwe election aftermath sees human rights defenders and opposition supporters under siege
Critics claim the ongoing post-election harrassment is reminiscent of the late president, Robert Mugabe, who after failing to gain the majority vote in the 2008 election resorted to violence against opposition supporters.
The government of Bangladesh quietly passed the new Cyber Security Act 2023
The Bangladesh parliament passed the new Cyber Security Act 2023 after scrapping its predecessor, the controversial Digital Security Act, 2018. The new law poses similar threats to the freedom of expression.
Pakistani movie ‘Zindagi Tamasha’ is finally made available online after injunctions on its release
Pakistani Punjabi-Urdu film Zindagi Tamasha, originally scheduled for release in theatres in 2020, but halted after receiving threats from religious hardliners, was finally made available to viewers on Youtube.
Australian journalists imprisoned in China anxiously await diplomatic breakthrough
Australian novelist Yang Hengjun has been awaiting the verdict on his case in China for more than two years after being accused of spying. Now he fears he may die in detention