Stories about Privacy from February, 2015
Iran Reacts to the Latest Snowden Leak on SIM Card Hacks
Iran's Minister of Information and Communication Technologies told Iran's semi-official Fars News Agency that he urges all state employees and ordinary Iranians to rely on their landlines for most communications.
Digital Citizen 2.4
Digital Citizen is a biweekly review of news, policy, and research on human rights and technology in the Arab World. Last month, a horrific attack on the Paris offices of...
Your Mobile Privacy is Under Threat Because of US and UK Spies
"The NSA and GCHQ covertly stole millions of encryption keys used to protect your mobile phone communications."
Turkey Cites National Security as it Cranks Up Internet Controls
Courts offer citizens occasional protection from Ankara's vicious war on freedom of expression and privacy, so government is looking for laws that bypass them.
Netizen Report: Asian Governments Embrace Surveillance in the Name of Security
While Thailand and Singapore press for broader surveillance powers, Ecuadorian social media users take heat from their president and Macedonia says no to drones.
Who Do We Lose with Internet Censorship and Control?
"Through Internet censorship and control we lose an ability to be our own secret human – the one we are when nobody is around."