Stories about Tech & Tools from June, 2017
China's Great Firewall Grows Ever-Stronger As Virtual Private Networks Disappear
"If one day I cannot climb over the wall, will you miss me?"
Mexico's Drug War Makes Everyone a Target
The rise in use of digital surveillance tools has become part and parcel of Mexico's ongoing internal armed conflict.
Is the End Near for Telegram in Russia?
Blocking Telegram in Russia would surely decrease its popularity, but there is no guarantee that it will help stifle communication among violent extremist groups.
How the Mexican Government Puts Citizens Under Systematic Surveillance
Evidence shows that espionage tools have been used for years against Mexican activists, journalists and people who hold dissenting opinions or oppose the current government in some form.
Chinese Cities Are Shaming Jaywalkers With Facial Recognition Software
"Public interest is greater than individual interest,"a traffic police researcher argues. But legal experts argue that the measure violates people's privacy.
Mirror Websites Are Helping Turkish Users Reconnect to Wikipedia
While the platform remains blocked, multiple "mirror" websites -- sites designed to reproduce the content of Wikipedia, which is constantly being updated -- have sprung up.
Digital Guerrillas Bring Down Russian State Censor's Website
How hackers tricked Internet service providers into blocking the state censor's website.
Facebook Bans Racist Word ‘Kalar’ in Myanmar, Triggers Collateral Censorship
"I made a post telling my friends [that] the word is banned. Ironically, my post was removed and I was banned from liking, posting, and sharing content for 24 hours."
Netizen Report: In ‘State of Emergency’, Internet Shutdowns Leave Ethiopians and Venezuelans Struggling to Connect
Ethiopia' shut down the Internet, Egypt censored 21 news websites, Facebook 'mistakenly' blocked images honoring Tiananmen Square victims.