Stories from 5 April 2016
Wanna Reach the Chinese Internet Market? Time to Register Your Domain in China.
New rules will require leading foreign companies including Microsoft and Apple to register their sites' domain names with local DNS providers in order to remain accessible in China.
Chinese Censors Erase #PanamaPapers Evidence From Web
The leaked files reveal offshore companies linked to China's top leader, who has vowed to fight "armies of corruption". But most mainland Chinese haven't even heard about them.
Zambian Deputy Minister Attacks Bank Employee Over Facebook Comment
The Deputy Minister’s visit reportedly was marked with obnoxious name calling, threats and shouts that shocked clients and security personnel at the bank.
Posting Photos of Red Bowls on Facebook Is Now Deemed Seditious by the Thai Junta
"The Thai junta’s fears of a red plastic bowl show its intolerance of dissent has reached the point of absolute absurdity."