Janine Mendes-Franco

I am a media producer based in Trinidad and Tobago. I blog at Francomenz.

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Latest posts by Janine Mendes-Franco

Cuba: Yoani Sanchez & Other Bloggers Seized

  8 November 2009

Yoaní Sánchez, Cuba's most famous blogger, who has received countless international awards for her activism, was detained briefly and beaten by Cuban authorities on November 6, along with fellow bloggers, Claudia Cadelo (a Global Voices contributor) and Orlando Luís Pardo Lazo. Bloggers make their feelings known about the incident.

Cuba: Blocking Bloggers

  28 March 2008

Want to get the Cuban blogosphere talking? Block access to a popular blog. Ever since Cuban authorities did just that to several less-than-supportive Havana-based blogs earlier this week, the blogging...