Stories about Advocacy from April, 2016
Netizen Report: In Chad, You Can Rock the Vote, But Watch Your Back
Chad disconnects Internet access for first-round presidential voting, local officials in India are none too pleased about WhatApp's new encryption, and Mexico reconsiders major telecommunications legislation.
New App Helps Citizens Find Out What Hong Kong Internet Service Providers Know About Them
Access My Info generates a letter for users to send to relevant privacy officers of internet service providers and mobile phone companies to request data about themselves.
Under Brazil's Cybercrime Bill, Social Media Sites Could Become ‘Permanent Agents of Vigilance’
"If somebody insults a politicians on a social media platform, the platform will be obligated to remove the content in a maximum of 48 hours."
Wanna Reach the Chinese Internet Market? Time to Register Your Domain in China.
New rules will require leading foreign companies including Microsoft and Apple to register their sites' domain names with local DNS providers in order to remain accessible in China.
Facebook Lands More People in Trouble in Kazakhstan
'Kazakhstan has drawn criticism ... for what media rights advocates have described as the excessively punitive libel damages sometimes levelled at journalists.'