Latest posts by Netizen Report Team from January, 2014
Netizen Report: Terror Group Forces Internet Shutdowns in Somalia
In this edition we cover Al Shabab's attack on the Somali Internet, citizen surveillance schemes in Ukraine and India, and the UK's wayward new porn filters.
Netizen Report: Winter Olympics Bring Chilling Effects to the RuNet
This week's Netizen Report begins with look at US government surveillance during the civil rights movement, and then move to new online censorship threats in Russia and Ukraine in the face of increasingly powerful public demonstrations.
Netizen Report: Turkey to Tighten Grip on Digital Speech
Is freedom of the press "limited to those who own one”? We hope not! This week, we look at India's increasingly politicized media environment, Turkey's new online censorship bill, and more.
Netizen Report: Korean Indy Sites Accused of Producing “Not Real” News
Are anti-protest laws the new black? Is Facebook reading your mind? What if Egypt becomes the de-facto cyber security leader of Africa? These questions and more in this week's Netizen Report.
Netizen Report: Will Saudi Take the “You” Out of YouTube?
Fresh back from a holiday hiatus, this week we look at post-Snowden fallout in Southeast Asia, activist push-back on censorship in Morocco, and a new site that "translates" terms of service for the average user.