· November, 2012

Stories about Activism from November, 2012

Syria Plunges Into Total Info Darkness

  30 November 2012

On Thursday, the US-based internet connectivity monitoring firm, Renesys, reported that internet was cut off in Syria. All of Syria's 84 IP address blocks were inaccessible, “effectively removing the country from the Internet.”

Citizens Tell Governments: Vote for Openness at the ITU

  30 November 2012

Today, Internet rights advocates are urging their governments to vote for openness at the conference of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Beginning Monday, Member States of the UN agency will decide whether the ITU should expand its regulatory authority to the Internet -- a move that could threaten privacy, free expression, and access to information for Internet users around the globe.

In Case of Disconnection: Preparing Gaza for an Internet Shutdown

  20 November 2012

For days, rumors have abounded that Israel—which controls the telecommunications infrastructure of Palestine—plans to shut down the Internet in Gaza.  While thus far the rumors have proven false, various organizations and actors are working to ensure that Gazans are prepared.

Blogging on behalf of Hamid

  18 November 2012

  Antonella has not blogged since long time. Her last blog post was on April 25, 2012 in which she wrote: “Dear Hamid, Every day I discover how vast a...

Anonymous Twitter Account Leads Major Protests in Kuwait

  10 November 2012

Tens of thousands showed up in the areas of Mishref and Sabah Al-Salem protesting the Kuwaiti Amir's amendment of the voting law which allows a citizen to vote for one candidate instead of four. What is interesting though is that an anonymous Twitter account is the one deciding dates of marches and meeting points. Mona Kareem shares Twitter reactions to the march, in addition to photographs and videos.

Azerbaijan: “A Country that Portrays Social-Networkers as Mentally Ill”

  7 November 2012

While all eyes were on the presidential election in the United States, a major international conference started on Tuesday in Baku, the capital of the former Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan. The 7th United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) claims to bring “all stakeholders” as equal partners to discuss major issues relating not only to the future of the Internet but also to matters of policing, management, and of course, freedom of expression online.

Protecting the Open Web: Net Activists Unite

  7 November 2012

Netizens around the world are coordinating advocacy on the upcoming conference of the International Telecommunication Union, where member states will decide whether or not the ITU should cover Internet-policy matters—leaked treaty documents include proposals for global regulations that could place limitations on online privacy, free expression, access to information and ICT use around the world. Find out how you can get involved in the effort.

About our Activism coverage

Stories about activist campaigns or the work of activism – strategy, tactics, actions, outcomes – whether digital, analogue, or some combination