Stories about Activism from July, 2013
Another Journalist Arrested in Zambia
After Wilson Pondamali was arrested and his home searched by police, users reported that independent news site the Zambian Watchdog was inaccessible within Zambia.
Journalist Charged With Sedition in Zambia
Zambian journalist Thomas Zgambo was arrested and charged with sedition on Tuesday. Another journalist, Clayson Hamasaka, was arrested but released without charges. Advocates suspect that both events were triggered by the journalists' association with the Zambian Watchdog, an independent citizen media outlet that has faced numerous threats from government officials in the past.
Online and Off, Information Control Persists in Turkey
Government efforts to stifle unrest in Turkey in recent weeks has stretched beyond episodes of physical violence and police brutality into the digital world, where information control and media intimidation are on the rise.
Advocates Keep Spotlight on Le Quoc Quan
The trial of Le Quoc Quan, one of Vietnam’s most active human rights defenders and an outspoken blogger, has been postponed by the Vietnamese government without explanation. The blogger has been held in prison without trial and with little ability to see or speak to his lawyer for over six months. Quan's prosecution fits into a wider pattern of oppression of free speech in Vietnam.
Zambia: ISP Faces Backlash Over Blocked News Site
Zambian telecommunications company Airtel may be facing unintended consequences for allegedly having blocked access to popular citizen news website the Zambian Watchdog. Maiko Zulu, one of the nation’s popular musicians and a human rights advocate, wrote a letter to the Watchdog saying that he was dumping Airtel for blocking the citizen news website.