Stories about Activism from August, 2015
Digital Citizen 3.5
Digital Citizen is a biweekly review of news, policy, and research on human rights and technology in the Arab World.
New Research: Iranian Internet Users May Care More About Access than Security
With over 100,000 subscribers, Filtershekanha serves as a compelling case study in how Iranians evade internet censorship.
Bangladesh Police Chief Tells Bloggers, “Don't Cross the Line”
"Those who illogically write against religion in blogs are also extremists," said a high police official.
Maldivians March to Mark Anniversary of Local Journalist's Disappearance
"To demand action and accountability from the state, Rilwan’s well-wishers started the #FindMoyameehaa campaign – the first of its kind in the Maldives."
Protests as Malaysia Suspends Two Newspapers Following a Corruption Expose
"We must never forget abuses of power today. You can suspend The Edge but you can't suspend truth!"
The Investigation of Germany's Netzpolitik Blog is an “Attack Against the Free Press”
We join partners around the world in condemning the treason charges against Netzpolitik and demanding an end to the German government's investigation of our colleagues.