Stories about Law from March, 2018
Tunisian MPs Propose Legislation Criminalising ‘Cyber Defamation’
"This bill is the result of a repressive mindset restrictive of freedoms, reflecting a nostalgia for the dictatorship era".
#SayNOto66d: Documenting the Surge of Online Defamation Cases in Myanmar
The #SayNOto66d website documents online defamation cases in Myanmar while providing information tools to support the campaign to repeal the law.
Iranian Detainees Face Privacy Violations, Public Smear Campaigns
Two cases in Iran highlight new signs of violations of due process and in how personal electronic devices are seized and the right to privacy is violated.
Netizen Report: Internet Censorship Bill Looms Large Over Egypt
The Advox Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.